
Mastering E-commerce product reviews with AI to unlock product insights

In today's digital age, consumers openly share their opinions on products they've purchased. Across various e-commerce platforms, including industry leader Amazon, these opinions amass into vast repositories of data that every marketer dreams of tapping into.

The power of E-Commerce Product reviews

Amazon, a global e-commerce giant, boasts an extensive catalog that's readily accessible to manufacturers. Its product review feature is not just robust; it's immensely popular, housing hundreds of millions of public reviews. What's more, these reviews cover a wide geographical range, offering a versatile tool for market research. Many reviews are rich in detail, with customers eager to explain their product evaluations thoroughly.

The Challenge of Manual Analysis

However, delving into hundreds of customer reviews manually can be incredibly time-consuming, even when sorted by relevance.

Companies struggle to extract consumer data from various on-line sources. Moreover, processing and analyzing this data manually is not only time-consuming, but it also lacks the accuracy and depth needed to make informed decisions.

What's worse is that teams are only able to view a small fragment of consumer data, making it nearly impossible to fully understand consumer needs and desires. The current approach to data analysis is fragmented, incomplete, and inefficient.

Product Insights Made Easy

This is where Sensia comes in. Sensia automates the entire process, providing an efficient and effective way of understanding customer needs and preferences. 

Sensia's advanced technology allows it to score multiple product attributes in real-time.

With the power of machine learning and AI, Sensia can analyze streams of product reviews from various e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Walmart, Costco.

Sensia's powerful algorithms can identify the most relevant data points and extract valuable insights, enabling companies to make data-driven decisions quickly.

Say goodby to costly intermediaries, it’s fast, accurate and does not require any specific expertise.

Discover how an Cosmetic E-commerce Manager leverages product reviews to monitor product performance

Streamlining Your Market Research Journey

Imagine comparing the performance of several products. Start by creating a project in Sensia, providing a name, description, and category for your product. Then, copy and paste the URLs of the product pages you want to analyze. Sensia handles reviews in multiple languages, ensuring you receive comprehensive insights.

Within minutes, Sensia delivers analysis results for each products, including:

  • Number of reviews analyzed

  • Languages of the reviews analyzed

  • Name of the e-commerce platforms

  • Proportion of Negative Reviews

  • Proportion of Positive Reviews

  • Product Score

  • Dominant Emotion

These results, calculated by Sensia's AI, guarantee objectivity, enabling you to make precise product comparisons across categories.

Find what’s working and what’s not

Sensia's report takes you deeper into product's performance, analyzing groups of key attributes that matter most to consumers. Categories like ingredients, packaging, brand, and purchase intention are intelligently evaluated.

In-Depth reveals precisely what's working and what's not, with:

  • Key product metrics radar

  • Product-level Historical Performance chart

  • Category-level Score Card

  • Category-level Historical Performance Chart

  • Best Verbatims by category

Understand the why

Now that you've grasped the 'What,' Sensia empowers you to delve into the 'Why.' With Sensia's AI detecting keywords, you gain access to a keyword scorecard and the ability to explore relevant phrases from reviews. This profound insight enables you to precisely decipher how specific attributes shape consumer perceptions of each product.

  • Full list of reviews sorted by score

  • Powerful filters at keyword level

  • Contextualization of the use of keywords inside reviews

  • Customer segmentation of the results

  • Results powered at project level and at data source level

Lack of time to summarize? Sensia does it for you!

Having completed your analysis, need to distill the key takeaways for your boss or team? Sensia takes care of it automatically. It not only highlights critical areas of interest but also offers customized recommendations to elevate your product.

  • Automatic Executive Summary

  • Watch-outs

  • Improvement Recommendations

A simple as ABC solution to address multiple use cases

Sensia's E-Commerce Analysis caters to various market research use cases:

  • Gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of competing products within a specific market.

  • Verify the expected superiority of a recently launched product compared to an established one.

  • Objectively determine the optimal product positioning within a range.

  • Identify opportunities for improvement in well-established products.

  • Discover effective strategies for product activation in target markets.

  • Bolster your SEO strategy by leveraging product attributes with intensive use and high positive scores.


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